Discontinuous research on Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band since June 1994.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Some questions pop up repeatedly in the email I receive, so I print answers
here to save time. If your question still isn't answered, feel free to
email me.
What's Captain Beefheart doing these days?
He stopped singing in 1982. He switched to painting primitivist art,
which has proven much more lucrative - his paintings cost more that $3,000 US.
He's rumored to be sick with perhaps multiple sclerosis, but it's just a rumor.
He's living in Trinidad, California, last I heard.
How can I get bootlegs/video of the band?
Search through listings in magazines like Goldmine or DISCoveries; if anyone
finds a relible source, please tell me. A potential contact may be:
247 Garfield Pl. Apt.3A,
Brooklyn, NY 11215, USA
Tel:(718) 622-0923
Another source who has been recommended by several people is:
Dave Jones
P.O. Box 9364
Wyoming, MI 49509-0364
(Include 2 32-cent stamps or 2 IRCs to get a catalog, or get a free catalog with an order.)
He had two different videos of Beefheart material available last I checked, including the excellent
1997 BBC documentary. $25 each ppd in the U.S., $5 more each for international, $2 more each
for conversion to another country's format, like PAL or SECAM.
Tape 1:
Live French TV 1980:
Nowadays A Woman's Gotta Hit A Man
Best Batch Yet
Dirty Blue Gene
Safe As Milk
Flavor Bud Living
Bat Chain Puller
Big Eyed Beans From Venus
1980 NBC TV profile (8 min)
Interview David Letterman 11/11/82
Interview David Letterman 1982
Live Belgium TV 1974:
Mirror Man
Upon The My Oh My
Full Moon, Hot Sun
Crazy Little Thing
Sweet Georgia Brown
Let Me Be Your Heart
I'm Gonna Booglarize You Baby (Beat Club 72)
Upon The My Oh My (BBC TV 74)
Saturday Night Live 1980:
Hot Head
Ashtray Heart
Peaches (BBC Whistle Test 74)
Tape 2:
1997 BBC Documentary (51 min)
1974 Pinkpop Festival (1 min)
1968 French TV:
Sure Nuff N' Yes I Do
1974 Whistle Test:
This Is The Day
Upon The My Oh My
1968 Rome Festival (1 min)
1971 Washington DC:
When Big Joan Sets Up
Bellerin' Plain
Woe Is A Me Bop
Feet Press Conference
1972 Whistle Test:
Big Eyed Beans From Venus
1972 Bataclan Paris:
Click Clack (clip)
1985 Art Exhibition opening interview