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The Fraternity of Man
Song list:
The Fraternity of Man were a band led by Eliot Ingber - AKA Winged-eel Fingerling - after leaving Zappa's Mothers of Invention and before joining Beefheart for The Spotlight Kid in 1971

The Fraternity of Man

Elliot Ingber, Guitar Richie Hayward, Drums & Vocals Martin Kibbee, Bass Warren Klein, Guitar & Sitar Lawrence "Stash" Wagner, Guitar & Vocals

Most famous song: "Don't Bogart Me" Included in Soundtrack to "Easy Rider" (1969) Later called "Don't Bogart That Joint" (recorded & performed by Little Feat)

"Get In On", the second album with Ingber, also included:
Lowell George, Guitar (see additional info a few lines below.)
Bill Payne, Keyboards

As additional info -
THE FACTORY included:
Lowell George, Guitar & Vocals - Richie Hayward, Drums & Vocals - Martin Kibbee, Bass. Martin Kibbee (AKA Fred Martin), wrote some Little Feat songs.
LITTLE FEAT, of course, included: Lowell George, Guitar & Vocals - Richie Hayward, Drums & Vocals - Bill Payne, Keyboards & Vocals

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