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London 1974
Song list:
Mirror Man
Upon The Me Oh My
Full Moon Hot Sun
Sugar Bowl
Crazy Little Thing
This Is The Day
New Electric Ride
Abba Zabba

Note the actual song list is different than what is printed on the front of the CD.

Highlights of the Sunday, June 9th 1974 evening concert recorded at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane in London, England. This was done for a Virgin live album that never appeared although a "Live Set" was mentioned in the UK music press in May 1991. The 1975 UK `V' Sampler on Virgin VD2505 had "Mirror Man" and "Upon The My-O-My" recorded on at the same venue. This CD does not mention Virgin, says LICENSED FROM INTERMUSIC SA but the engineers credited (Phil Newell and Alan Perkins) are the same as the Virgin issue. The 9 tracks last barely 40 mins.

(Thanks to Richard Gardner for the scan.)

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